The Topsail Tower is one of the most iconic buildings in the state of North Carolina. Located at 332 N. Shore Drive, it is 0.4 miles north of NC 210 and NC 50. The building sits 0.05 miles away from the Atlantic Ocean. The tower is in excellent condition and was renovated over a period of six years in 1994. It is one of the tallest buildings on Topsail Island and features a penthouse on the top. You can find more information by clicking here.
Topsail Tower #5
Topsail Tower #5 is located at 332 North Shore Drive, a short distance from the Atlantic Ocean. It is 0.4 miles north of NC 50, and 0.05 miles east of NC 210. Built in 1944, the Tower is still in great condition despite being renovated over the years. At 47 1/2 feet, the tower has a penthouse on the top floor. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
While it is difficult to imagine the first topsail tower, it is an intriguing historical reminder. Once used for firefighter training, the towers were abandoned after the Second World War and turned into homes. Some are still in use as businesses, and others are converted into homes. One tower was demolished in 1989 after several people were killed in falls from it. Although the Topsail Towers was erected during the height of the Cold War, they have survived hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.
Assembly Building
The Assembly Building at Topsail Tower in Surf City, North Carolina, is a unique, 72-foot-long structure with reinforced concrete block lower walls and a gable roof. The building is located near Channel Boulevard and Flake Avenue, two blocks west of South Anderson Boulevard. This road links the seacoast towns of Topsail Island to the mainland. The assembly building is on the National Register of Historic Places, which makes it an important part of Surf City’s past.
The Assembly Building, Control Tower, and Observation Tower have maintained their structural integrity even after decades of use as military facilities. Though they are no longer used as military facilities, their unique appearances still carry the same symbolic associations. The site has since been purchased by private interests, but the aura of secrecy surrounding the facility has not disappeared. Whether this has changed has not been fully documented, but the buildings are still well-preserved for their historical significance. More about Surf City here.
The Topsail Beach Towers is located on the beachfront at 332 N. Shore Drive, just a few blocks south of NC 50 in Surf City, NC. These structures are iconic landmarks that have endured hurricanes and other natural disasters. In the 1940s, Topsail Island was virtually uninhabited. Its sand dunes provided the perfect place for testing the ramjet engine. During World War II, the towers were constructed for testing missiles.
The Tower sits on the southern end of Topsail Island. In 1949, a two-story beach house was attached to the southwest corner. The beach house was built with windows cut into the tower’s walls, which gives it an air of military sophistication. In recent years, the tower has been renovated by local architect Robert Bost, who wanted the house to feel distinctly Cold War. The tower features replica warning signs.
Construction materials
The Assembly Building is the tallest building on Topsail Island, North Carolina. It was used to make ramjet rockets and is constructed of concrete block upper walls and timber trusses that support the gable roof. The tower stands two blocks west of South Anderson Boulevard, which connects coastal towns. The island is located in Topsail Sound. It has a population of nearly 5,000 and is home to two other towers.
The original Topsail Tower was built in the 1950s at 1408 North Anderson Boulevard, about 1.6 miles south of NC 50 and NC 210 in Surf City. This tower was later rebuilt as a penthouse in 1991 and was completed one week before Hurricane Fran struck the area. The penthouse is still visible on the top floor. Today, the tower is used as a business and is available for rental. Continue reading about Missiles and More Museum.
Driving directions from Patriot Illumination to Topsail Towers
Driving directions from Topsail Towers to Missiles and More Museum